✍️ Written Instructions

  1. go to the grant page, for example, here is the DAO Masters G13 grant: https://gitcoin.co/grants/4799/dao-masters-researching-dao-best-practices-and-too
  2. click "add to cart"


  1. click the shopping cart in the upper right hand corner and select "checkout (1 grant)"


  1. log in with your github account or create one.


  1. if you just created a github account, go back to the grant page and click "sign in" in the upper right hand corner and authorize gitcoin.
  2. select the currency you want to donate with and how much you want to donate. you can also decide how much to put towards the gitcoin match pool.


  1. use the drop-down menu to select the way you want to check out (eg. standard, polygon) & complete the transaction with your wallet of choice.
  2. wait for your txn to get processed in your wallet, sign the tx, and keep the Gitcoin tab open!
  3. IMPORTANT: if you get a red notice that says your contribution wasn't processed, but it did - leave your wallet, open this link and input your checkout type & txn hash here:

https://gitcoin.co/grants/add-missing-contributions (this requires signing from your wallet again!)



  1. The more trusted you are, the more Gitcoin matches your contribution. Make sure to verify you account to make sure your contribution gets matched!

If you are not automatically directed to this page, click on your profile in the top right of the screen, and navigate to My Account —> My Profile. From your profile, you should see a “Trust Bonus” tab that you can click on. This will take you to the screen below where you can verify your identity!
